They aren't about SAFETY OR PROTECTION
There are severe consequences to FREEDOM
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They aren't about SAFETY OR PROTECTION
There are severe consequences to FREEDOM
This site was originally dedicated to stopping Red Flag Laws in New Hampshire. There are no Red Flag bills currently in the legislature because they have decided to push the Gun Confiscation Bills instead.
One of the problems with these gun confiscation bills is they could easily be turned INTO Red Flag Laws.
The original bill was brought forward by Representative Terry Roy (Republican), a former law enforcement officer, who was rightfully angry that a fellow LEO was murdered. While Roy most likely had good intentions for the bill, he didn't fully think through the consequences of this draconian legislation. It was killed in the NH Senate last year, only to be brought back this year by both Roy AND NH Senator Debra Altschiller (Democrat) in the senate (one of Bloomberg's closest allies in New Hampshire).
Although New Hampshire is one of the SAFEST STATES in the country, Bloomberg somehow feels the need to push destructive and extreme gun control laws in the Granite State.
Bloomberg has spent millions of dollars in New Hampshire buying gun control legislators into office and paying lobbyists to infringe upon our 2nd Amendment rights.
In 2023 alone, Bloomberg spent over a million dollars on lobbyists. You can find just one report here: Prasol, Thomas (Everytown For Gun Safety Action Fund). You can search others on the NH Secretary of State's office:
Why does an out-of-state billionaire seek to spend millions of dollars to push gun control in one of the safest states in the country? It has nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with control.
Democrat Debra Altschiller has decided to push forward this gun confiscation bill because it could easily be turned into a generic red flag law (which she's failed to pass for several years, despite Bloomberg's big cash spend on it). Any gun-related legislation that has Altschiller's name attached to it, or ANY legislator who is supported by Bloomberg's billions, is a huge 'red flag' to those who support our protected 2nd Amendment rights.
These bills try to solve a mental health issue through gun control. Find out the issues with these bills.
Also known as Extreme Risk Protection Orders or Gun Violence Restraining Orders.
Some legislators in New Hampshire are trying to push Red Flag Laws. Read the legislation and learn the truth about what it really does.
News about Red Flag Laws in both NH and across the country.